Buying a Home

Before you begin the search for your new home, determine your needs and implement this step-by-step plan to make this process less stressful before you hit the streets. From choosing the type of home best suited to your needs up to the day of moving, this Buyer's Guide ensures an enjoyable experience.

Arranging a Mortgage
Learn the in's and out's of mortgages. What are your different options? What is a pre-approved mortgage? Everyone wants your business, but it's up to you to look after your interests.

The Offer
Congratulations! You've found the perfect home. But, this can be the most stressful part of your buying experience. Read about the eight basic elements, the various offer strategies and discuss with Karen Fawcett.

Closing day is here. Who's involved, and exactly what goes on? Relax, all of these details are outlined right here for you to read. Karen Fawcett and your lawyer will give you the details on steps and timing.

The Move
What to expect on moving day? Reduce costs, a moving checklist and calendar, make your move worry-free by following these simple steps.

RE/MAX Realty Professionals

Karen Fawcett

6020 - 1 A St SW, Suite 10
Calgary, Ab, T2H0G3